Thursday, 25 July 2013

5 days to go....

With only five sleeps left until our trip to Ghana, we are all getting very excited now! All thirteen of us are gathering the kit we will be taking with us, as well as resources which we will take to the orphanage in Kumasi, such as exercise books, coloured card, poster paint, sports equipment, balloons and much more! Also this week we have all received our team kit, which consists of a very smart lime green polo shirt, a dark green vest top, and a purple hoodie, all of which have our team badge and names on. We will wear the polo shirts to travel in on Sunday, so if you happen to see 13 people all dressed in lime green on the way to the airport, that'll be us!

As we make our final preparations, we have also been finding out more about Ghana and some things we might experience while we are there. Cara has been speaking to the retired archbishop of Ghana's wife who passed on some helpful tips, such as buying a Ghanaian sim card to contact the UK, trying to get some traditional clothes made for us while we are there, being aware of hygiene (e.g. not eating salad or fruit which could have been washed in dirty water), and being prepared to see poverty in the streets.

Emily also found an interesting blog written by someone who is currently visiting Ghana to teach. The writer mentioned a number of things which she found particularly different or interesting on arriving in Ghana, and it certainly sounds like Ghana will be a very new experience and culture for us all!


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