After 5 days of being at the orphanage we planned a fun
sports day for all the children. We created lanes from the elastic Ellie
brought, trying to create at least some organisation in each team. We came up with many different races, which
involved: bean bag races, piggy back races, skipping races, wheel-barrow races,
space hopper races and a three legged race. We split them up into three teams
and painted each team with a team colour - ours was green. They really enjoyed
the races and even the little ones were getting involved. After all the races
were complete we got to spend our last few hours with the children taking
pictures of them playing with all the equipment we left for them.
When it was time to leave and to say our last goodbyes a
tear (or two) was shed, by both us and the children. It especially hit home to
one boy, Ato, who we found hiding in a corner because we were leaving. We
finally peeled ourselves away from them all and started our walk back to the
hostel. As we were walking up Joseph (14 years of age) came running towards Nat
and I tears streaming down his face after saying “boys don’t cry”. Along with
Joseph was Thomas who both escorted us all back.
King Jesus Charity Home has touched all of our hearts and we
know that one day we will be visiting again. Happy memories we share with
everyone there from the age range of 3 months to 22 years of age.
-By Mary and Nat.
I'm sure they will remember your visit and appreciate all the stuff you've left for them. Treasured memories.